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  1. Support
  2. Hosting
  3. Associate the domain with hosting

Associate the domain with hosting

After purchasing a hosting from Swizzonic, it must be linked to the desired domain. In order to carry out the linking, please proceed according to the following steps:

  1. Go to and log in under your user account. Here you can find out how to log in.
  1. In the list, Domains and Products, select the domain you wish to associate with a hosting product.
  1. Click on the DOMAIN ASSOCIATION icon
  1. Click on EDIT.
  1. Click Edit on the www. entry. Then select Change association. Now you can select which product you want to assign to the domain. Finish with Save.

  1. Click on APPLY. It takes about 15 minutes to activate the settings.

Once activated, the domain is correctly linked. The hosting service guarantees the correct operation of the domain and all other services included in the package.

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